
... fostering your competitiveness with tailored knowledge transfer and proven practices...

Provided by The Fraunhofer Institute for Mater… 1 year, 8 months ago (last modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago); viewed 785 times and quoted 1 time


As a modern joining process, laser beam welding offers a wide range of industrial applications and, compared to conventional processes, is often the safest as well as most resource- and cost-efficient solution for producing metallic joints. With our ear to the ground, we combine the advantages of laser beam welding with the technological trends of today and tomorrow: hydrogen-powered mobility solutions, artificial intelligence, climate-friendly aerospace, smart medical technology and much more.

Customized laser processes, system solutions and component concepts

As a globally renowned research institute, we are always striving to find the objectively best solution for your individual requirements. We combine materials science know-how with state-of-the-art systems engineering to develop customized laser processes and system solutions as well as sustainable component concepts for you – even across current technology and process limits.


Comprehensive materials science expertise, close interdisciplinary cooperation with the IWS departments for high-speed laser processing, materials characterization and testing, and component design create the basis for technology and process developments for laser-based welding processes. Our services include:

  • Consulting
  • Feasibility studies
  • Implementation of R&D work
  • Technology developments + joint analysis
  • Process testing (applications + prototypes)
  • System developments in cooperation with our partners
  • Technical support for process introduction and training forengineers and system operators
  • Damage case analyses


Fraunhofer IWS is researching and developing material joints designed to last a lifetime. Aluminum, steel or even plastics are joined faster, more efficiently and with less impact on the material. 

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Laser beam sources

  • Fiber lasers with different beam quality from 600 W to 24 kW
  • Lasers with variable beam quality up to 4 kW, e.g. monospot and ring modes of different diameters
  • Disk lasers up to 8 kW
  • Color lasers with a wavelength of 515 nm (green wave range) up to 1 kW
  • CO2 lasers as classic rod lasers up to 8 kW
  • Diode lasers (Beam converters up to 4 kW, high beam quality, High power diode lasers up to 10 kW, good beam quality (40 mm mrad), High power diode lasers up to 20 kW, very good beam quality (100 mm mrad))

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Laser welding machines

  • Precision welding machine for CNC laser processing, non-contact processing (Working space: approx. 1.5 m3, universally convertible)
  • XXL welding units for CNC precision machining, non-contact machining (Working space: 10 x 3 x 1.5 m3, fully 3D-capable)
  • Pentapod parallel kinematics, power-controlled machining (Working space: 6 x 2.5 x 1.5 m3)
  • Industrial robot (Medium payload class from 30 to 60 kg; Working space: approx. 2 m3)

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