Aim: Enable the production of a new type of piezo actuator and aerodynamic screening system (ASS).
Brief description: The company use traditional manufacturing (TM) technologies to make their products. Product characteristics could be improved by developing complex-geometry components, but their production is complicated and not economically viable using TM.
Benefits: LAMAS offers enhanced screening efficiency, prevention of sieve clogging, material versatility, and cost-effectiveness. It provides expansion opportunities for MB Proints and fosters advancements in various industrial applications, particularly in biotechnology, by developing specialized and efficient screening systems. The project epitomizes innovative and cost-effective industrial solutions through additive manufacturing.
Results: Product design adaptation for LBAAM allowed the production of complex-geometry functional part (piezo actuator and ASS), improving device characteristics. Suitable LBAAM technology selection helped to increase product quality, and ensured novel product development and economic autonomy.
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