Brief description: The unique technique that makes it possible to build up porcelain surfaces layer by layer and thus create ornaments embedded in its material. Digital and manual manufacturing technologies are combined. Cutting out parts can be done more accurately and faster with laser cutting. I want to learn laser cutting technology and incorporate it into the practice of my studio.
Benefits: The technology of porcelain casting is a method, when we fill up a plaster form with porcelain liquid. Every different shape needs a different casting mold. In my process I cover 3 dimensional shapes with paperporcelain sheets. In this way I still have one basic shape, but I can define different patterns that build up the shape. During this 3 months I would like to experiment with the followings: 1. defining paths and unwrapping spherical surfaces; 2. generating tailoring patterns; 3. building up porcelain surfaces from laser cutted tailored patterns. The reason I use porcelain is because this is my field of expertise, and I think this association of technology and material is new, but in my case the use of laser technology it does not necessarily lead to more efficient production in terms of time and cost. It might lead to new aesthetics and new material quality. Unwrapping shapes, and building them up in a physical space can be done with textile, plastic, wood, metal or any other sheet materials.
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