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Provided by FTMC - Center for Physical Science… 2 years, 1 month ago (last modified 1 year, 5 months ago); viewed 902 times and licensed 0 times


FTMC laser technology specialists can perform initial studies/tests and consult regarding implementing laser-based advanced production processes.


Initial case study of the possibilities of product improvement using advanced laser-based production technologies. Initial tests using various laser sources and laser microprocessing setups. We are consulting on different laser process methods and providing their comparison with alternative technologies.


The report, supported by initial test results, evaluates the eligibility of laser-based production for the customer's product development. Development of specific laser microprocessing technology.

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Case study

FTMC experts team performs an Initial case study of the possibilities of product improvement using advanced laser-based production technologies.

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Initial tests

At this stage, FTMC team performs initial tests using various laser sources and laser microprocessing setups. Additionally, we are consulting on different laser process methods and providing their comparison with alternative technologies.

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FTMC experts compose the report, supported by initial test results, and evaluate the eligibility of laser-based production for the customer's product development. 

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