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FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology

FTMC - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology is located in Vilnius (Lithuania) and works on solutions related to Business model development, Equipment design and selection, Process development and optimization, Product design, Prototyping, Value chain analysis in the context of Aerospace (Aeronautics), Automotive, Customised Electronics, Manufacturing, Textile & Clothing

CENTER FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FTMC) is the largest scientific research institution carrying out unique fundamental research and technological development works in the scientific fields of laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, bio and nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, electronics, etc. in Lithuania. In the Center, not only the innovative science but also high technologies expedient for business and society needs are developed.

FTMC was established in 2010 by joining the institutes of Chemistry, Physics, and Semiconductor Physics in Vilnius and Textile institute in Kaunas. Over the recent years, the Center combining different science branches has become one of the leading scientific institutions in Lithuania.

OUR VISION - generation and capitalization of scientific knowledge in applied physics, chemistry, and technological sciences promoting thus the evolution of the high-tech industry.

The main activity of FTMC is to carry out fundamental and applied research as well as experimental investigations in the fields of physics, chemistry and technologies, which are of utmost importance to the state, society and business. We rely on our values - scientific excellence; versatility and flexibility; broad, but the balanced spectrum of research; knowledge and mind; effectiveness and networking.


Not only the advanced scientific research and the technological development work are performed in FTMC, but also PhD studies and post-doc fellowships are organized as well as qualified researchers capable of performing independent high-level research and solving scientific problems on their own are trained. The research work is carried out to order of business entities, the methodological, methodical and other assistance is rendered, versatile expertise is provided as well as scientific consultations are given. FTMC disseminates the scientific knowledge to the public and contributes to the development of an innovation-based economy and knowledge society education.


In the development of new technologies and innovative devices, FTMC is closely cooperating with scientists from Germany, France, Great Britain, Scotland, Poland, Taiwan, the USA and other countries and is implementing joint European Union and bilateral scientific projects. FTMC and its researchers are members of various international organizations: EPIC (European Photonics Industry Association), OSA (Optical Society of America) and LIA (Laser Institute of America).

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